The Intro to Energy Auditor Practical Skills Training Course will be held on Monday February 12th – Friday February 16th . This is a full week training with class beginning at 8:30am each day.
This training will help new Weatherization employees especially those in the auditing field with seeing, testing, and diagnosing all of the things that will improve a home’s safety, durability, and efficiency is paramount for a successful a Weatherization retrofit. Even experienced auditors struggle with developing the best documentation and work orders possible. This class is specific to new energy auditors, but is also advanced enough to sharpen the skills of those who have been doing it for a while. Topics covered will be the structure of the Weatherization Program, applicable Building Science principles, correct testing procedures for air tightness, ventilation, and combustion safety, and configuring the best audit report, energy modeling recommendations, and work order possibilities. This class will include both classroom and field instruction. The cost of this training is $2,000.00 per participant. Lunch and snacks will be provided.
If you are interested in registering for this training or have any questions, please contact Nikia Beal at (336) 904-0300 or