You are invited to a viewing of a documentary entitled, “Mothers of Bedford” on May 2, 2013 at 2:00 pm. This documentary is a glimpse into the lives of children and their incarcerated mothers. Below is one review that is very poignant.
Eighty percent of women in US prisons today are mothers of school-age children. Filmmaker Jenifer McShane spent four years
visiting Bedford Hills Correctional Center for Women and following the women and their families. A mother herself, Jenifer was drawn to the universal themes
of motherhood and the staggering power of the mother-child relationship. In all walks of life, mother and child care for each other.
As we watch the mothers inside Bedford trying to become their better selves, we see parts of our own selves - and that gives us all hope.
Written by Anonymous
Project Re-entry is in the development stages of a program addition to include the relationship of the mother, child and caregiver. Anyone interested in learning, talking, partnering in this endeavor, please join us on May 2nd. Attached is a flyer that will give you additional information on this event. We are very excited and look forward to this new venture.