PART and PTRC would like to invite you to a joint workgroup session to check in with you about the process and status of the CommunityViz model. The agenda items for this meeting are as follows:
1. Model Purpose – To measure impacts of future growth alternatives
2. Model Architecture Overview – How does the model work? What are the inputs?
3. Model Outputs/Indicators – What will the model measure?
4. Key Decisions where your input is needed:
a. Model Indicators – are we using the correct performance measures?
b. Alternative Scenarios – what will we change in the model based on our written narratives to develop our scenarios and what we will call them?
Your input is very important to this project. The discussions held at this event will drive the model process going forward into the Piedmont Together Sustainability Summit (coming up on November 14th in High Point). Please join us:
Monday, September 16th
Piedmont Triad Regional Council
400 W 4th Street
3rd Floor Large Conference Room
Winston Salem, NC 27101
Located in Downtown Winston-Salem at the corner of West 4th Street and Marshall Street (in the same building as the Rush Fitness Complex). Enter on the Marshall Street side under the blue awning. Take the elevator to the 3rd floor and the conference room will be to the right.
Parking is available in the Cherry-Marshall Parking Deck, bounded by Cherry, Marshall, Fourth, and Fifth Streets. We can validate parking for you on the 4th floor of the PTRC office.
Please RSVP by clicking the Register button below. If you have any questions, please contact Malinda Ford, GIS Manager, at or (336) 294-4950.