Piedmont Triad Regional Council, NC
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The N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center has teamed up with the Piedmont Triad Regional Council and other North Carolina partners to speak about clean transportation technologies and practices. The Clean Fuels and Advanced Technologies (CFAT) project is focused on reducing transportation related emissions in NC counties that have air quality concerns.
Outreach efforts include conferences, workshops, presentations, regional meetings, informational materials, and individual consultations. The audiences for these outreach events include public and private fleet managers, civic organizations, non-profits, fuel providers, and other decision makers.
For speaking events in Davidson, Davie, Forsyth and Guilford Counties, please contact Carter Spradling at the Piedmont Triad Regional Council (336) 904-0300 or cspradling@ptrc.org.
To learn more about the Clean Fuels & Advanced Technology Program and learn how you and your organization can help reduce vehicular tailpipe emissions, download our CFAT brochure and share it with your friends!.
Upcoming Opportunities
Several funding programs are available to assist your communities implement CFAT strategies. Please see this attachment for more details.
1. NCDOT Carbon Reduction Program – The Federal Highway Administration has committed funds for carbon reduction projects in smaller jurisdictions throughout North Carolina. Project funding is being implemented through NCDOT. Applications must be submitted through the Northwest Piedmont Rural Planning Organization or the Piedmont Triad Rural Planning Organization. Applications due 1/17/2023
2. Paved Trails and Sidewalk Feasibility Studies – The purpose of the Paved Trails and Sidewalks Feasibility Study Grant Program is to improve the pipeline of bicycle and pedestrian projects accessing state and federal funding, resulting in successful implementation of projects led by communities prioritizing multimodal infrastructure. Applications due 1/9/2023
3. NCDOT Multimodal Planning Grant Initiative – The NCDOT Integrated Mobility Division and Transportation Planning Division have created a matching grant program to fund bicycle and pedestrian plan development. Application Period will open Spring 2023
4. Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality (CMAQ) – This program provides funding for projects that will have a positive impact on air quality in areas that are designated as non-attainment for national air quality standards or areas that were previously in non-attainment. In the Piedmont Triad region, eligible counties include: Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, and Guilford. Application period is open.